Sunday, September 18, 2016

What has worked for me

 Over the years(I'm currently 54 as of 2016 being born in 1962) my diet has evolved to keep up with changes in my metabolism.
 As a youth I ate 3-4 meals a day. Large meals too. I was 6'4 and 185lbs at the age of 18. I maintained roughly that weight through my early 20's. I'd say 190-195. Then in my late 20's suddenly surged to 230 lbs. I decided to skip breakfast and my weight settled back down to the 195-200 range. This lasted until I reached about the age of 40 when again I had a surge in weight to 225-230. I had gotten used to skipping breakfast and decided that it was time to omit another meal....lunch. My weight has hovered at 200 ever since. Now if it creeps up near 210 I will have a smaller dinner and also omit a few beers from my evening ritual. I have always drank a 6 pack of beer every evening after work. I know doctors recommend 3 cans a day or less, but what can I say? 6 beers is my magic number.
 Now I'm not saying I NEVER eat a breakfast or lunch anymore, because occasionally on weekends or vacations I treat myself to a large morning meal or lunch out with friends. I'm not an absolute religious type with my diet. It's just my norm and I've grown accustomed to the occasional stomach rumble. Heck, when I was eating 3 meals a day as a youth I had more gastric happenings than I do now. I also don't eat a "meal" per se. I basically just eat whatever I want. I only eat from the end of my workday till the time I go to bed however.
 I have been using this method of diet almost 30 years now and recently stumbled on a website regarding Buddha and meat and found that he also ate with this method. The only difference being that he basically ate from dawn until noon and I am the polar opposite eating whatever from mid afternoon until bedtime. Maybe I should call it Buddhas evening diet!!


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